The path of Electrical Supervisory License (ABC License) Exam Preparation to get it in First Attempt

Electrical Supervisory License

The valuation of this Electrical Supervisory license is increasing day by day in the private organization especially electrical project related job. It adds an extra credential in an engineering career. In my previous blog, the whole procedure of application has been described.

Now in this blog, I will discuss how can we get the Electrical Supervisory License with Grade ABC in the first attempt? 


In one way, there is no syllabus for this exam but in another way, there are some branches of topics which are very important to get the full preparation. The topics are:

  1. In details on Electrical House Wiring
  2. In details on Circuit Breaker
  3. In details on Earth Tester
  4. Basics on Generation, Transmission, Distribution, and Management
  5. Single Line Diagram (SLD)
  6. Details on Substation
  7. Details on Switchgear
  8. Basics on Generator
  9. Details on Transformer
  10. Motor
  11. Relay
  12. Power Factor Meter
  13. Basics on the different instrument of Electrical works
  14. Basics on Power System Protection
  15. Different type of Insulator


In two books you can easily get all of those topics in details.
  1. Electrical Superviosor Viva Guide by Engr. Md Fazlul Rahman.
  2. Objective Electrical Technology by V.K. Mehata



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